Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Imitation and Flattery

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
So how does bacon feel about "Bacon Bits?"

I'll be honest here. My blogsite is an imitationThe name of my blogsite is a twist on someone else's. Although I am not the first one to do it. There are literally thousands and thousands of websites called "_____'s World." So I changed mine up a bit. But now that I think about it, there are probably others out there that have replaced the "world" with "whirled," thinking that they were being creative.

Why bring it up? There is a site called "Mikao's World." It is a blogsite of some renown with world-wide readership. It is run by a good friend of mine. This is someone who spends a good amount of time blogging. She has done major research on blogging. Check it out if you get a chance. mikao.blogspot.com

That site was also an inspiration for my own. I wanted to start a blog a long time ago, but never made the time to do it. I finally got my rear in gear and started it up. It is difficult to update daily. I do not have access to the internet at home which limits my internet time. I'll try not to let that hinder me, though.


Blogger Michelle said...

I thought maybe you were just stalking me. ;)

12:55 PM  

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