Monday, September 10, 2007

The Hatchbacks / Surf Alternative

Here are links to my band sites.

The Hatchbacks

Surf Alternative

These groups play completely different types of music.

The Hatchbacks play jazz.

Surf Alternative plays 90's alternative music and a lot of originals.

TH- 3 people,

SA- 4 people.


SA- Lots of high-powered vocals.

TH- plays for upscale,

SA- plays for parties, battles of the bands, and at drinking establishments.

TH- command a good pay for gigs,

SA- we're happy to get any money at all.

TH- have been to Sidney, Alliance, Scottsbluff and are playing in Lincoln at the end of the month.

SA- have only played in North Platte and Hershey (twelve miles away)

TH- Have a CD

SA- have a few songs recorded but nothing that great

TH- Pure Volume

SA- MySpace

TH- Practices in a basement

SA- Practices in a garage

TH- All music teachers (one who happens to be a Paramedic)

SA- Two Paramedics, An EMT, and a coffee shop barista

TH- In their 20s, 40s, 60s,

SA- in their 20s and 30s

TH- Like to groove

SA- Like to rock


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