Monday, April 04, 2005

The Squiggly Lines

In my EMT-Intermediate class we are studying cardiology and the electrical conduction system of the heart. The best part is finally understanding what the squiggly lines on a ECG(EKG) strip mean. An ECG monitor uses electrodes attached to a persons chest to sense the electrical impulse in the heart. From looking at a ECG strip a trained person can tell, a person's heart rate, where the pacemaker (the heart's internal pacemaker) is located, and to some extent where heart damage has occured. It is all quite interesting.

I am actually suprised sometimes about how much we humans have been able to figure out. But then I realize the vastness of what we still have no grasp of. It is by the grace of God that our brilliant minds have made great discoveries in the medical world, but there is still so much we don't know.

There are still many, many mysteries of God that are hidden. We can't even begin to scratch the surface.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how's it going in Nebraska? I had no idea you were an EMT (or an EMT in training) Squiggly lines and all the other joys of human research and technology. Makes you wonder what else God has created us to be capable of. talk to you soon. i'll stick a link to your blog on mine.

1:21 PM  

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