Thursday, March 16, 2006

Its been a long time since I updated this thing.
Surf Alternative- the band I am a bassist for- got talked into playing at "The Ultimate Band Battle. It was a ton of fun... not really. It was a long day and the music was terribly loud. Here are the latest pictures.

No kidding... People payed six bucks to hear me play!

I am on the far left, in the hockey Jersey looking cool in my new shades (They make me look like Bono!) that I bought at Ben Franklin's. They were a buck. A penny saced...
Strutting the stage like I own it. I love Rock and Roll, so put another dime in the jukebox , baby.

Earlier this week I spent a day out at Windmill Dunes Farms, a nursery / greenhouse located Southwest of Paxton, Nebraska. It was a long day of moving crates of planters filled with dirt from one place to another. Nothing like a day of real work.
My friend Amanda, who works at the greenhouse, was happy to have someone come out and do a job that none of them were looking forward to. So I had to do a crappy job that no one else wanted, but I got to hang out with Amanda all day. I guess things evened out pretty well.

It was good work and I slept soundly that night.


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